From being a stevedore at the Port of Algeciras to becoming “The Painter of Athletes”
For years I worked at the Port of Algeciras as a stevedore, but these hours under the sun were not the ones that enlightened my work; late at night the light bulbs in my garage saw me engaging in what I loved most: painting film posters.
Shortly after I resolved to paint live. At the beginning at small parties and local events (in Algeciras, Sotogrande…). Later, there were larger events and, inadvertently, I found myself painting George Clooney, Keith Richards or Carlos Jean.
Painting sports events came later to stay. Since then I have had the privilege and responsibility of immortalizing live sport personalities such as Rafa Nadal, Sergio Garcia or Novak Djokovic. Now I am “The Painter of Athletes”. The future? To keep on working in what I am passionate about.
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